Google Drive

Access specific folders or files in Google Drive, requiring version 2.1.20230130 or above

File ID

Specify the ID of a Google Drive folder or file, supporting the %FILENAME% variable.

Input Object

Represents a Google Drive object with a specified File ID. If it's a folder object, it supports asynchronous functions such as list(), upload(filename), createFolder(foldername), and createSpreadsheet(filename). If it's a file object, it supports the asynchronous function download(filename).

// When the specified File ID is a folder, list all objects in this folder and download all files
let items = await input.list()

// When an object supports the download(filename) function, download the file objects within the folder
for (const item of items) {
  if ( await

// When the specified File ID is a folder, upload a file from the workspace.
let file = await input.upload('image.jpg')

// When the specified File ID is a folder, create a subfolder named 'subfolder'
let folder = await input.createFolder('subfolder')

// When the specified File ID is a folder, create a Google Spreadsheet file
let file2 = await input.createSpreadsheet('mysheet')

// When the specified File ID is a file, download this file to the workspace


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