Flexibility & Security
The following guidelines provide design principles for creating automation skills to meet the requirements of flexibility and security
The Composition of a skill
The composition of EMILY.RPA skills primarily consists of sequences of process operation steps. For example, in a simple example where you go to google.com, search for a keyword, download search results, and save them as a text file, the sequence of steps would be as follows: go to Google, load Google website, enter the keyword, press ENTER, load search results page, and save the results.
For the "Navigate" step, the skill would record the command "Navigate" with the parameter "https://google.com." For the "Input" step the skill would record the command "Input" with the text string parameter "rpa." When the skill training is complete and the test is successful, clicking "UPLOAD" will send the sequence of these steps (commands and parameters) to the user's account's cloud repository, SKILL HUB, for storage. This allows users to download and execute them in the future without worrying about the loss of skills due to local software removal or computer reinstallation. It also enables users to switch to another computer to execute skills.
Flexibility and Security Considerations
In the example of the Google keyword search mentioned earlier, if you want to change the keyword for the next search, users can TWEAK the skill by modifying the text parameter in the "Input" step:
While this method can achieve the desired result, it lacks of flexibility and may compromise the security of user data when keywords need to be TWEAKed and SAVEd repeatedly. A better approach is to avoid directly inputting user data into the skill but to store user data as parameter files locally and have EMILY.RPA read these local parameter files when executing the steps:
Protecting Local Parameter Files
Once you separate parameters from commands, the data stored in the cloud-based skill repository, SKILL HUB, no longer contains user data. However, local parameter files are still susceptible to exposure by individuals who have access to the computer. To address this, you can utilize the "Protect Text" feature in the CONFIG menu to encrypt the content of the keyword, for example:
By doing this, when you save the parameter file, such as "keyword.txt," on the local computer, it will be encrypted with the encryption key provided by this EMILY.RPA on that particular computer. Only this EMILY.RPA will be able to decrypt the content. Users should be aware that parameter files encrypted by one computer's EMILY.RPA cannot be read by EMILY.RPA on other computers.
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